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      Plastic mold industry welcomes new development opportunities

              It is understood that the emergence and development of recycled plastic mold, plastic product pollution is expected to be resolved. In recent years, people more and more attention to living environment quality, to enhance the environmental protection consciousness, and crude oil prices, driven higher prices of plastic raw materials, clean green renewable plastic industry got the good opportunity of development, industry experts, after technical innovation of products and industrial structure adjustment, recycled plastics industry in China has made great progress, heading towards high quality, many varieties, the direction of high technology.

              Although China's recycled plastic industry has a promising prospect, it still faces many problems in the actual development process. On the one hand, due to the wide source of recycled plastics, its quality is uneven, the performance of batches is also very different, resulting in the quality stability of recycled plastics is relatively low; On the other hand, the cost of recycled plastic is higher than the price of the original plastic.

              In addition, from the overall situation of the current recycled plastic industry, domestic waste plastic recycling enterprises are still small and medium-sized enterprises, the industry concentration is relatively dispersed. Since it is a complex process to recycle waste plastic, the technical requirements are also relatively high. However, China's domestic recycled plastic industry is still dominated by physical recycling, which undoubtedly hinders the development of the whole industry to some extent.

              With the improvement of the technical level of China's plastic mold industry and the gradual increase of product level, now some international host industry supply chain system is further inclined to domestic enterprises, which will be an opportunity and a challenge. It is understood that China's market demand for mold independent matching rate will reach more than 85%, the high-end mold independent matching rate will be significantly improved.

              Some experts pointed out that China's mold industry in the future in addition to continue to improve the production capacity, but also to focus on internal structural adjustment and technical development level. Mainly is the enterprise to the specialization of structure adjustment of product structure towards the high-end mold development, to the improvement of import and export structure, high-grade automotive covering parts die forming analysis and structure improvement, multi-functional composite die and composite processing and application of laser technology in the mold design and manufacturing, high speed cutting, super finishing and polishing technology, the informationization direction.


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