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      Welcome to hongqing!

      Service hotline:0769-83342081     Email:sales@www.23898.cn


      [Corporate Values]

      Customer-oriented, to provide the best service for customers in the pursuit of perfection, faith to do every simple thing is not simple

       [Corporate Objectives]

      Keep pace with The Times, people-oriented, pioneering and innovative, become the LED industry customers preferred enterprises

       [Quality Philosophy and Policy]

      Everything we do is for the needs of our customers. If "better" is possible, "good" is not enough to pursue excellence, adhere to the user first, endless improvement

       [Corporate Vision]

      To be a featured enterprise with diversified functions, the most respected and competitive enterprise in the world, making contributions to green and environment-friendly lighting

       [Development Philosophy]

      Integrity, dedication, innovation, development, team focus resources, professional development, maintain a good ecological environment

       [Team Concept]

      Create a first-class technical team, friendship and cooperation to grow together

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