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      Influence factors of plastic mould making

              Factors influencing plastic mold making:


              1. Parting surface


              When the die is closed, the die and the punch are combined.


              2. Structural parts


              They are the sliding block, sloping top block and straight top block of the complex mould.


              3. Mold accuracy


              Including avoiding card, fine positioning, guide post, positioning pin, etc.


              4. Casting system


              It is between the nozzle of injection molding machine and the cavity, which is composed of the main channel, the shunt channel, the gate and the cold material hole.


              5, other


              The shrinkage rate of plastics and the factors affecting the dimensional accuracy of the products, such as mold manufacturing and assembly error, mold wear and so on. In addition, the design of the die and injection mold, should also consider the molding machine process and structural parameters of the match.


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